Unlike trekking, trail running is a sport where you run on trails.
In addition to the rules and etiquette for trekking, such as not leaving trash, staying on the trail, and giving priority to people climbing, there are also some points to keep in mind that are unique to trail running.
Please be careful not to startle hikers.
Hikers walking on the trail will naturally be surprised if someone suddenly passes them from behind, or if someone suddenly comes running around a corner. Say hello from a little distance away, let the other person know you are there, and walk when passing other hikers. Please be considerate so as not to surprise or stress hikers.
Let's respect the natural environment
Trail running takes place in nature. There are places on the trail that could be damaged by people running, such as fragile sections and boardwalks in marshes. There may also be days when the surface soil is unstable due to continuous rain. In such conditions, please take care not to damage the trail by walking or slowing down.
Like all hikers, please follow these rules:
Walk (run) the trail.
Please take all your trash with you.
Let's respect the plants and animals.
Please use the toilet facilities.
Please follow the rules displayed.